Ful­film­ent Service

Media Logistics

News­pa­pers and magazines 

We deliver hot off the press

With its media logistics, 7Days – in its function as a high-per­for­mance press who­le­sa­ler in Switz­er­land – takes over the entire logistics supply chain for the delivery of physical print-media products to the retail trade. In addition to our regular acti­vi­ties as a press who­le­sa­ler, we offer logistics services in the print sector for Switz­er­land to both national and inter­na­tio­nal publi­shing houses and media companies. 
We provide trans­por­ta­ti­on, customs clearance and order-picking services, which can be sup­ple­men­ted by value-added services if required. For example, we supply news­pa­pers to vending machines for national publishers, including the return of cash, delivery agents for sub­scrip­ti­on delivery as well as points of sale outside the regular wholesale press network. 

Decen­tra­li­zed delivery of print-media products to the hubs by the customer. Items can be pre-picked at customer level or delivered in bulk. 


Order picking per unloading point and pre­pa­ra­ti­on for delivery. 


Order picking per unloading point and pre­pa­ra­ti­on for delivery. 


Delivery of customer packages to unloading points. 


Delivery of customer packages to unloading points. 


Dezen­tra­le Anlie­fe­rung der Print­pro­duk­te durch den Kunden an die Hubs. Die Ware kann sowohl auf kun­de­n­ebe­ne vor­kom­mis­sio­niert oder als en vrac ange­lie­fert werden.


Kom­mis­sio­nie­rung der Ware pro Abla­de­punkt und Bereit­stel­lung für die Zustellung.

Kom­mis­sio­nie­rung der Ware pro Abla­de­punkt und Bereit­stel­lung für die Zustellung. 

Aus­lie­fe­rung der Kun­den­pa­ke­te an die jewei­li­gen Abladepunkte.

Aus­lie­fe­rung der Kun­den­pa­ke­te an die jewei­li­gen Abladepunkte. 

1 Decen­tra­li­zed delivery of print-media products to the hubs by the customer. Items can be pre-picked at customer level or delivered in bulk.

2 Order picking per unloading point and pre­pa­ra­ti­on for delivery.

3 Delivery of customer packages to unloading points.

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

The advan­ta­ges of Media Logistics at a glance 

Late drop-off times 

Deliver your goods directly to one of our hubs by 2 a.m. for gua­ran­teed delivery in the early morning. 

Attrac­ti­ve charging structure 

Thanks to our highly efficient night network and many years of expertise in the print-media sector, we offer you a high-quality service at attrac­ti­ve prices. 

Maxi­mi­zing customer benefit 

By con­so­li­da­ting and bundling flows of goods, we jointly reduce the number of daily deli­veries to an identical unloading point. 

Cus­to­mi­zed services 

Thanks to our high level of industry expertise and trust-based coope­ra­ti­on with our long-standing partners, we know what our customers need – and we create the perfect solution with our value added services. 


We drive for you 7 days a week, come rain, snow or sunshine. 

Nati­on­wi­de service 

Our delivery service covers the entire country, from remote peri­phe­ral regions to agglo­me­ra­ti­ons and urban centres. 
Beat Koenig 
Head of Transport Logistics 

Media Logistics

Has our Media Logistics piqued your curiosity?

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you. 


Customers who place their trust in us

We at 7Days focus on customer needs. We serve small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses and corporate groups in a wide range of indu­stries, as well as private indi­vi­du­als. We would like to thank our customers for their coope­ra­ti­on in a spirit of partnership.

NZZ Logo
Ringier Logo
Tamedia Logo